
Unwelcome whiff of summer

Body OdourA prominent Auckland school has asked parents to make sure their children are showering daily and wearing antiperspirant so they don’t have “overpowering” body odour.

Mt Albert Grammar School headmaster Dale Burden emailed parents with the subject line: “Managing the classroom environment in the heat of summer.”

He said the hot weather, while enjoyable during the break and at weekends, could be less desirable within the classroom. “I would appreciate your assistance in ensuring your son/daughter is taking every step to ensure they are managing the realities of being an adolescent, having to wear school uniform and keep comfortable. This subject of personal hygiene can make us all a bit uncomfortable and self-conscious, but as a natural part of everyday life it cannot be overlooked.”

Mr Burden said the process of growing up for adolescents was a time of physical growth and development and while many teenagers recognised this in others, they were slower to accept changes to themselves.

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