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Spread the word about Fairtrade & win a trip to Costa Rica

Fairtrade is more than just a cup of coffee

Whether you are new to Fairtrade or are looking to get more involved, there are exciting and creative ways to educate your students and colleagues about Fairtrade and trade justice, in and out of the classroom.

If you’re spreading the word about Fairtrade in your school, you may be eligible to apply for the Fairtrade Supporter Award. The Award recognises & rewards a Fairtrade enthusiast for their dedication to communicating the Fairtrade message.

The Fairtrade Supporter Award winner will travel to Costa Rica and experience Fairtrade at work first-hand, engage with Fairtrade farmers, visit their communities & see the difference that Fairtrade makes. For more information visit

“It’s the people in other countries that have the ability to help us here,” says Marvin Cascante Lobo, a Costa Rican coffee farmer. When you start your school day with a cup of Fairtrade Certified coffee or tea, you are helping to make a difference to 1.2 million farmers and workers, and their communities, in developing countries.
When you choose to buy products displaying the Fairtrade Mark, you’re voting for children to be in school, for women to receive equal pay, and for community projects like healthcare. With your involvement that impact can grow. Make the switch to using Fairtrade Certified products in your school by visiting

Whether you are a heartened individual or part of a school group, every voice and every action counts. This year we’re celebrating all things fair and the difference that choosing Fairtrade Certified products makes for farmers in developing countries during Fair Trade Fortnight, May 3rd-18th. Start your journey into Fairtrade and trade justice by planning something at your school this May.

To find out how you can get involved with Fairtrade at your school, email

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