
2014 Penz National Conference

PENZ-Logo-web 265x199Physical Education New Zealand (PENZ) is pleased to announce that New Zealand Health Education Association (NZHEA) will join PENZ at its Conference again this year. This year the health focus will be spread across all three days. PENZ values having a learning area partner collaborating at Conference in 2014.

This 3-day conference promises to deliver:

  • A balanced programme of theory and practical sessions
  • High level thinking about our profession
  • Teachers sharing good practice
  • Panel Sessions
  • Modern Resources
  • Networking with colleagues
  • Great social programme

Conference Start & Finish Times:

Monday 7th JULY: Registration Opens 7.45am | Conference starts at 9.00am
Wednesday 9th JULY: Conference will close at approximately 2.30pm

For further detail: https: 



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