
Teacher shares ICT resources via website

SND05-wk1-News-Griffith 286x214Perth primary school teacher Matthew Leslie is sharing the ICT resources he has collected over the last seven years so other teachers don’t have to spend time researching.

The driving force behind the Australian-based Griffin Education Enterprises, Mr Leslie delivers the organisation’s educational services through the website

“On this website I freely and openly share all of my recommended educational ICT resources such as: iPad apps, websites, YouTube videos, YouTube channels, visual resources, Pinterest boards, Twitter accounts and articles worth reading,” he says.

“I currently have: 59 websites, 62 iPad apps, 96 YouTube videos, 42 YouTube channels and hundreds of pictures on the website etc.”

Mr Leslie created the website in April this year and to date he says it has been viewed by just under 900 people.

“I created this website with graduate teachers in mind. It took me seven years to collect all of these educational resources. Why should a new teacher spend the same amount of time looking for the same educational resources? I believe this website helps graduate teachers reach my point in their teaching career sooner.”

Teachers with resources they would also like to share are invited to email Griffin Enterrprises through the Contact Us section on the website.

SND05-wk1-Website-Matthew LeslieMatthew Leslie

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