
New appointment for Partnership School

SND08-wk3-News-Partnership School-Filipo Levi 300x225The Villa Education Trust has appointed Filipo Levi to the role of community liaison manager for the new Middle School West Auckland Partnership School.

Mr Levi has an MA and BA from Otago University and is currently working in the tertiary education sector in South Auckland. He also spent time as a researcher in the Pacific Studies Department at Auckland University in 2013. He speaks four languages, has wide interests and holds high ideals for children and young people, a trust spokesperson says.

Up until 2012 his career was in professional rugby – the peak of which was captaining Manu Samoa and playing for his national team from 2008 – 2011 (including the 2011 World Cup in New Zealand). His playing career also saw stints with – the Highlanders, Otago and Tasman Makos in New Zealand as well as clubs in Japan and Britain.

Mr Levi takes up his new role in early November, for which he will oversee the school’s relationships with the children and their families and various community organisations. This will include working with all parties to knock down any perceived barriers to academic success, the spokesperson says.

Middle School West Auckland is one of four new Partnership Schools authorised to begin in 2015. It will be a sister school to South Auckland Middle School that opened in February this year.

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