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Challenge competition winners announced

Education Minister Hekia Parata has announced the winners of The Challenge, a creative school competition honouring one of New Zealand’s finest fighting forces, the 28th Māori Battalion.

The Challenge gives Years 7-13 students the opportunity to express what they learn about the Battalion using 21st-century media.

“It was wonderful to see the innovative ways students honoured the living legacy, sacrifice and heroism of the Battalion,” Ms Parata, who is also chair of the Ngarimu VC and 28th (Māori) Battalion Memorial Fund Board, said.

“The entries were extremely creative, using videos, artwork, waiata, photographic and written essays, power-point presentations and poems.”

Prizes were awarded to 11 entries across junior, intermediate and senior levels.

“The outstanding quality also meant we awarded two Supreme Awards instead of just selecting one of the entries,” Ms Parata said.

The Supreme Award winners are:
Hariata Dalton-Reedy, from Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Waiū o Ngāti Porou for her essay Where my Grandfather lies.

Rongomai Callaghan, from Gisborne Boys’ High School, and Atareta Smith-Taumata, from Gisborne Girls’ High School for their music video Māori Battalion Tū ake e.

“I congratulate Hariata, Rongomai and Atareta for their entries. They and the other winners have truly honoured the young men of the Battalion, and ensured they are remembered by future generations and continue to inspire the leaders of tomorrow.”

The other winning entries are:
Intermediate Māori 1st place: Rongomai Callaghan, Gisborne Boys’ High School, and Atareta Smith-Taumata, Gisborne Girls’ High School for Māori Battalion Tū ake e – music video. Awarded $800

Senior Māori 1st place: Te Aramoana Brady, Te Kura o Te Koutu for Waewae Mongamonga – haka. Awarded $1000

Senior Māori 2nd place: Hine Kawana, Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Mana Tamariki for Ngā Tore Kai Huruhuru – essay. Awarded $700

Senior Māori 3rd place: Tumanako Bidois, Te Kura o Te Koutu for Te Maimai Aroha – haka. Awarded $350

Junior English 1st place: Sasha Quinn, Rangikura School for Remembering my Koro – essay. Awarded $600

Junior English 2nd place: Kaiwhiri Pita-Grey, Tauranga Intermediate for Was it worth it? – artwork. Awarded $350

Junior English 3rd place to: Sasha Brown, Janaya Leef, Britney Emery and Shani Henare, Tauranga Intermediate for 28th Māori Battalion – song. Awarded $150

Intermediate English 1st place: Wiremu Leef, Tahuriwakanui Durie, Anaru Palmer and Ryan Collier, Tauranga Boys’ College for What was it like at Cassino? – film. Awarded $800

Intermediate English 2nd place: Rongomai Callaghan, Gisborne Boys’ High School, and Atareta Smith-Taumata, Gisborne Girls’ High School for Māori Battalion Tū ake e – music video. Awarded $500

Senior English 1st place: Hariata Dalton-Reedy, Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Waiū o Ngāti Porou for Where my Grandfather lies – essay. Awarded $1000

Senior English 2nd place: Caleb Bird, Te Awamutu College for March to War – musical

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