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New Zealand’s top educators honoured

Five of the country’s top educators have been honoured with ASG National Excellence in Teaching Awards.

The recipients of the 2014 awards, which are now in their 18th year, are: Christine Alford from Mairtown Kindergarten (Whangarei), Glynis Knox from Frankton Primary School (Hamilton), Ian Torrie from St Cuthbert’s College (Epsom, Auckland), Elena Warnock from Russell St School (Palmerston North) and Tina Youngman from Paeroa College (Waikato).

They were successful from more than 600 nominations from pre-school, primary, intermediate and secondary school teachers all over New Zealand.

ASG NEiTA chief executive officer John Velegrinis says the recipients are outstanding educators.

“All of these educators have proven themselves to be teachers of the highest calibre. It is very heartening to meet teaching professionals so committed to bringing out the best in their students and their record of achievement is outstanding”.

A further five educators received Cognition Education National Excellence in Leadership Awards.

The 2014 leadership award winners are: Terry Consedine from Aquinas College (Tauranga), Brent Griffin from Western Heights Primary School (Rotorua), Kelly-Anne Lambert from Miracles Childcare and Learning Centre (Henderson, Auckland), Martin O’Grady from Karamu High School (Hastings) and Elizabeth Weir from Springston Primary School (Canterbury).

ASG NEiTA recipients go through a rigorous selection process to reach the national awards. They are first nominated by a parent, board member, trustee, parent or community organisation, which is then followed by the teacher submitting a comprehensive self-portrait and teaching background. From the 600 nominations, regional recipients are selected who then give a five-minute oral presentation to the judging panel and submit a paper on a topic of their interest to be considered for a national award in the Excellence in Teaching and Leadership categories.

ASG NEiTA chairman Allen Blewitt says the recipients are making a substantial and positive impact.

“Their knowledge, passion and contribution is deeply appreciated and valued by the communities they teach in.”

ASG NEiTA was established by ASG Education Programmes in New Zealand in 1996 to promote excellence in teaching. They are open to all qualified and registered full-time teachers and school leaders in primary, intermediate and secondary schools, and to qualified and registered early childhood educators.

Since 1996, more than $185,000 has been distributed to ASG NEiTA recipients in grants for professional development, prizes and endowments.

Applications for the 2015 ASG National Excellence in Teaching Awards and the Cognition Education National Excellence in Leadership Awards open in April next year. Go to for more information on entering the awards.

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