
Minister acknowledges work of sector groups

SND10-wk1-Sector Groups-Hekia Parata 300x225Education Minister Hekia Parata has acknowledged the work and commitment of groups across the education system to help lift educational achievement for all students.

Ms Parata has met sector representatives, ranging from early childhood education through to senior secondary schooling, following her reappointment as Education Minister.

“I meet these groups regularly and it was important to share with them my priorities for this term of Government and to hear their views about how we continue to work together to raise educational outcomes for our kids.

“Like me, they want to make sure that all kids get the opportunity to do their best, particularly those who do not fare so well – Maori and Pasifika and those from lower socio-economic communities.

“An important part of that is providing the best possible pathway through education for our kids. Our Investing in Educational Success initiative will start taking that further next year with the new Communities of Schools.

“I want to thank these sector groups for taking the time to meet and share their ideas with me, and I look forward to continuing working with them so we all make sure our kids can do their very best,” Ms Parata says.

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