
Tool launched to improve outcomes for Māori students

SND15-wk1-self review-NZSTA-logoA self-review tool to help boards of trustees to improve outcomes for Māori students by evaluating and improving cultural responsiveness in their school has just been jointly launched by the Ministry of Education and NZSTA.

Hautū – Māori cultural responsiveness self review tool for boards of trustees, is designed to enable boards of trustees to assess their own and their schools’, effectiveness in creating a supportive environment for Māori learners and to make changes that will improve outcomes for Māori students.

It aims to help boards develop practical steps to create an environment in their school that meets the needs of Māori students and the school’s Māori community, delivers engaging education and strong student outcomes, and enhances Māori students’ identity, language and culture through access to high quality teaching.

The self-review tool has been jointly developed by NZSTA and the Ministry of Education, and is part of the framework of Ka Hikitia – The Māori Education Strategy, which sets the direction for improving how the education system performs for Māori students.

The printed Hautū resource will be supported by a nation-wide series of face-to-face workshops to be delivered free of charge to boards of trustees by NZSTA in Terms 2 and 3 as part of NZSTA’s professional development programme.

This approach promotes NZSTA’s vision of all schools being effectively governed by a board of trustees whose primary focus is every student achieving their highest possible educational potential.

Copies of Hautū will be mailed out to the board of trustees of all state and state integrated schools through the board chair in early May.

School trustees can register for Hautū workshops here

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Rosie Clarke

Rosie is the managing editor here at Multimedia Pty Ltd, working across School News New Zealand and School News Australia. She has spent 10+ years in B2B journalism, and has spent some time over the last couple of years teaching as a sessional academic. Feel free to contact her at any time with editorial or magazine content enquiries.
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