Multi-million dollar deal signed for transportable classrooms

A contract has been signed with the consortium Interlink, which will provide over $100 million worth of modern, multi-purpose, transportable classrooms over 10 years, Associate Education Minister Nikki Kaye says.
“This contract will deliver at least 50 transportable classrooms each year to schools around New Zealand, but is designed to deliver more if required,” Ms Kaye says.
“The classrooms will be invaluable in situations where a permanent building is temporarily out of action, or we need to meet rapid roll growth in a particular location.
“These are high-quality buildings that will support innovative teaching and learning methods. They meet the same standards as modern, permanent structures for earthquake resilience, weather-tightness and environmental sustainability.
But they have the added advantages of being more adaptable and faster to deliver.
“The new transportables are modular, which means they can be put together in a number of different ways to create whatever learning space is needed – everything from a single or double-storey classroom to a dance and drama studio, science laboratory, library or administration and reception area.
“Current estimates are that it will take just four to six months from when an order is confirmed to installation on-site. Previously, it could take at least eight months to complete this process.
“Under the terms of the contract, Interlink will engage with schools to decide the most suitable site location and orientation, and discuss the colour options and fixed furnishings that best meet the school’s needs and complement its individual character.
“The Ministry of Education will be able to relocate these buildings as schools’ needs change.
“This is a cost-effective approach that allows for a building to be transferred many times between schools, rather than creating fixed permanent structures at individual schools that may not need them in the future.
“Greater use of modular buildings will help us provide modern, inspiring learning environments for our children while at the same time improving our ability to respond quickly to changing needs.”