
Travel company launches NZQA accredited qualification

SND17-wk4-House of TravelKiwi-owned travel company, House of Travel, which employs more than 850 people throughout the country, is offering a nationally accredited qualification gained via on-the-job training to graduates.

The company’s ability to train staff on the job to the highest level will enable the trainees to earn their qualifications while working in the organisation.

Stephen Parsons, owner-operator of House of Travel in Palmerston North, says the new accreditation will allow teams within House of Travel to take on young people with the right skill set and help them learn the trade from within.

“We can identify talented people and fast-track their career, while also ensuring we get fresh ideas from new generations that will help future proof the industry,” Mr Parsons says.

The scheme will see inductees working toward a National Certificate in Travel Level 4 over a 12 to 24-month period, an NZQA accredited qualification paid for by the company, while employed by the travel company.

Learning and development manager northern, Pania Burgess, says the ability to offer the qualification in-house is a huge step forward in offering development opportunities to staff.

“It also demonstrates how serious House of Travel is about not just looking professional, but truly being professional. We see real value in giving younger people the opportunity to join the industry in a much more practical way than ever before,” Ms Burgess says.

Mr Parsons has recruited the first inductee to the programme, 18-year-old Joanna Dargie, who has come straight from high school to join the team and learn the travel business from within while gaining a recognised qualification.

“We’ll be training Joanna in the technical side of things, such as how to use the up-to-date technology we have in the office and how to process a sale, as well as teaching her how to deal with customers on an everyday basis,” he says.

“I have no doubt that after she gains this qualification through working for a couple of years in our office, she’ll be a top seller.”

“She is also younger and knows a lot about the online world, so she’s able to look at aspects of the business such as social media which are crucial for the industry to embrace heading into the future. That’s a real asset to any business.”

Customers can also be assured they will get the best-quality service with someone who is trained to the highest industry standard and knows the systems inside out after completing the training, Mr Parsons says.

Photo courtesy Manawatu Standard

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Rosie Clarke

Rosie is the managing editor here at Multimedia Pty Ltd, working across School News New Zealand and School News Australia. She has spent 10+ years in B2B journalism, and has spent some time over the last couple of years teaching as a sessional academic. Feel free to contact her at any time with editorial or magazine content enquiries.
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