Education Council leads new centre of excellence

The Education Council of Aotearoa New Zealand says a new Centre for Leadership Excellence is a decisive first step towards developing leadership capacity in the early childhood and school sector.
Education Council chief executive Dr Graham Stoop, says initially the new centre will seek to support principals appointed as Community of Learning (CoL) leaders.
Minister of Education Hekia Parata has announced that $250,000 will be made available towards setting up the centre
Dr Stoop says there is a lot of work to do and the council will be working closely with educators to progress its proposal.
“We are very pleased to receive funding that will support the development of a virtual Centre of Excellence. It will hold a strong body of collective knowledge in leadership best practice, strategies and research.
“We want to work very closely with our sector so collectively we can build leadership capability and capacity not just in CoL leaders, but for all leaders in early childhood and school contexts.
“The Education Council’s mandate is to champion the teaching profession through developing strong leadership capability and capacity. We believe starting with Communities of Learning is a sensible first step.”