PM’s Excellence Awards open for 2016

Education Minister Hekia Parata is urging early childhood services and schools to enter the Prime Minister’s Education Excellence Awards, which opened on Friday.
“The awards are a wonderful opportunity for those involved in the education of kids and young people to showcase their amazing work.
“Great teachers, great early childhood services and great schools transform lives. The awards celebrate the very best teaching and highlight the importance of strong leadership and community and parental engagement,” Ms Parata said.
Entry is open to those working in the early childhood, primary and secondary sectors as well as Communities of Learning. The awards focus on collective effort and collaboration and are open to groups, teams and partnerships.
The four main categories are: excellence in governing, excellence in leading, excellence in teaching and learning and excellence in engaging.
The winning entry in each category will receive $20,000 and a professional development opportunity. The winner of the Prime Minister’s Supreme Award for the partnership or group that has had the most impact on raising student achievement will receive an additional $30,000.
The 2016 Education Focus Prize will be for initiatives that improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people.
Entries close on March 18, 2016. Entry forms and information are available here.