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Inspirational youth recognised by PM

Around 100 young people who have overcome significant challenges have been enjoying a week-long adventure as guests of the Prime Minister this week. The young people, all aged 14-17 and from the Auckland area, were chosen to join the Prime Minister’s Youth Programme (PMYP) in recognition of their personal achievements and community contributions. 

Youth Minister Nikki Kaye says each participant has faced and overcome significant challenges in their lives including “the death of more than one immediate family member, mental health issues, truancy, and offending.

They have been nominated to attend the programme by people who have worked with them closely and know them well.

“This could have been their school teacher, principal, youth or social worker, or Police Youth Aid officer.”
The Turn Your Life Around (TYLA) Youth Development Trust, BlueLight and The Village Trust are the key organisations supporting the young people through this programme.

“This week is about rewarding young people and also investing in their personal development. They will be participating in activities such as white water rafting in Waitomo, a ‘market to table’ chef’s experience, and visits to large New Zealand companies.

“The PMYP will involve a celebration dinner where the young people will receive their certificates.”
Guest speaker this year is acclaimed dancer and choreographer Parris Goebel who won Young New Zealander of the Year in 2014 for her leadership of and commitment to young dancers.

Goebel now enjoys international success and has recently collaborated with Jennifer Lopez and Justin Bieber.

“This week is an important time to recognise and celebrate this group of 100 young New Zealanders who despite incredible challenges are doing very well. This programme is all about investing in them to do even better.”

More information about the Prime Minister’s Youth Programme is available at




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