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Online guide helps schools utilise teacher aides

Education minister Hekia Parata has welcomed the creation of an online guide to help schools make the best use of teacher aides.

Education minister Hekia Parata
Education minister Hekia Parata

“This is a useful resource that complements the $15.3 million budget increase in funding for teacher aides over the next four years,” she said.

“Teacher aides work alongside teachers in our classrooms to enable students with additional learning needs to become more independent and confident.

“The guide draws together practical ideas and strategies from across New Zealand and around the world. It will also help school leaders and teachers ensure that the role and responsibilities of teacher aides are clear and that there are good systems, support and training in place.

“Teacher aides can have great impact on student confidence, behaviour, self-esteem and motivation and teacher workload, job satisfaction and stress levels when they are supported in their work.”

Ms Parata says additional resources will be added to the guide in the coming months. They will include online training modules, videos of effective practice and a self-review tool.

The Inclusive Education website can be found here.

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