New online resource for teachers of years 9 and 10
The Government has launched a new resource for teaching and learning in reading, writing and maths. Education minister Hekia Parata says the Learning Progression Frameworks (LPF) fills a gap to support teachers’ understanding of how their students are progressing in years nine and ten.
“Being able to effectively evaluate a child’s rate of progress is essential for teachers so they can identify where more support is required,” says Ms Parata.
“The LPF acts as a guide, providing examples of student work to illustrate the significant steps that students need to take as they develop their skills in reading, writing and mathematics. Interactive modules are also provided to take teachers through how to use the LPF to support teaching and learning.
“When we trialled it, teachers and leaders said it raised their expectations for literacy teaching and learning in years nine and ten. This shows that this tool will have a real impact, strengthening literacy and numeracy teaching and learning across the curriculum.”
The LPF is now available to all primary and secondary schools as an online resource. The frameworks build on those already developed for the Progress and Consistency Tool (PaCT) which covers curriculum levels one to four. The new resources mean that curriculum levels one to five are now covered.
The LPF includes an app which contains the reading, writing and maths illustrations for years one to eight. Years nine and ten will be added in next term.