“We would like to offer other kura the same opportunity. I have spoken with other kaiako who have said there are a lot of one-off opportunities, but to be able to have a committed programme that contributes to NCEA credits would be a significant contribution to science teaching for Māori,” says Dr Filoche.
Year 10 student Christian Mauriri, from Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngā Mokopuna wrote about the day in te reo Maōri and English:
I te tau nei i waimarie mātou ngā tauira tau 9-11 o Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngā Mokopuna ki te haere ki te awheawhe pūtaiao o Te Whare Wānanga o Ōtākou ki reira ako ai i ngā mahi o te pūtaiao e aro ana ki te karu o te kau, te karu o te tangata, te pūrama kōrekoreko anō hoki. Ko te wahanga e pai ana ki ahau ko te tūhura ki roto i ngā karu whārahi kia kite ai i te miriona o ngā pūtau i roto i tētahi wāhanga iti o te karu o te tangata. He mīharo hoki te whakamahi i te pene muramura ki te waitohu i tētahi pepa me te whakamahi i te pūrama aho katikati ki te kite i te po.”
“This was another successful and engaging day, these guys really honed their dissection skills – text book, and we’ve saved the annotations in Māori for others to learn from. We would love to offer others this opportunity and need to find a way to make it happen and ensure it can be sustainable and ongoing for others too,” says Dr Filoche.
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