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Careers advisors invited to learn about USA universities

Secondary schools with students interested in studying in the USA are invited to send a representative to a free workshop on American universities and the admissions process.

The workshops – designed for careers advisors – will run in Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington and Christchurch in early April, and have been organised by the US Embassy New Zealand, Education USA, and local Careers and Transition Education Association (CATE) chapters. 

The programme will cover the opportunities available for students, as well as the American education system, admissions processes and other commonly queried topics like standardised testing and finding financial assistance.

“Attendees will have the opportunity to have their individual questions answered as well as learn an enormous amount about the way the process relates to the students that they are advising,” says US Embassy education advisory, Katie Sleeman.

The workshops will be facilitated by Education Matters director Rebecca Zeigler Mano, who has nearly two decades of experience in advising students and schools on US higher education opportunities. New Zealand-based EducationUSA advisors will also be available to answer questions.

“We are so excited about having someone of Rebecca’s calibre visit New Zealand,” says Ms Sleeman. “Admission to US universities can be a complex process and for Kiwi careers advisors to have the opportunity to access detailed information from such an expert is a huge benefit.”

To secure a ticket, go to 

Monday, April 3, Christchurch

Tuesday April 4, Wellington

Wednesday April 5, Waikato

Thursday April 6, Auckland

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