
Te wiki o te reo Māori in your school

Te wiki o te reo Māori is next week, with the theme Kia ora te reo Māori. School News looks at the resources available to teachers to make Māori Language Week a big success.

Te wiki o te reo Māori begins next Monday, September 11, with the theme Kia ora te reo Māori. This theme was chosen by Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori/ The Māori Language Commission, to celebrate New Zealand’s indigenous greeting, and because the words ‘Kia Ora’ are an exact description of the intent of the new partnerships for te reo Māori revitalisation between the Crown and Māori under the new Māori Language Act 2016.

Te Taura Whiri has developed a number of resources to help schools to engage with their parents, families, and whānau to support the learning of te reo Māori in both the school and home environment. These are available for digital download from their website  

Kapa Haka at Waitangi

Hei waiata, hei whakakoakoa 
This collection of waiata and haka includes a songbook with lyrics, song sheets, curriculum achievement objectives, and suggestions for activities. 

2014 Te Kupu o te Wiki / Te Kupu o te Rā
A 50-week programme, teaching you 50 Māori words over 50 weeks. This resource, complete with sound clips, can be shared with parents and whānau.

Māori myths, legends, and contemporary stories
This is a collection of well-known stories based on Māori oral traditions, stories which have been handed down through the generations. They can be used to promote storytelling in your school community.

School News te reo Māori resources

Te Tiriti o Waitangi – Living the values

Māori language resources for teachers

Supporting Māori language revitalisation in English medium schools

Inside the te reo Māori digital classroom

The benefits of learning te reo 

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