
Exhibition offers educational tour of the human body

An internationally-acclaimed exhibition featuring real human bodies will give children and teachers the chance to see the intricate workings of the body’s interior through the visual display of donated human specimens.

The BODY WORLDS Vital exhibition, which opens in Auckland in April at the Hilton Exhibition Centre on Princes Wharf, features 150 anatomical specimens – whole bodies as well as organs and other body parts donated for the benefit of public education – that have gone through a meticulous year-long process of ‘plastination’. The resultant specimens illustrate how lifestyle decisions impact the well being and health of our bodies.

John O’Connell, CEO of Life Education Trust, said BODY WORLDS Vital was intended as an opportunity to educate students on human biology and anatomy, and would to be a fascinating experience for students, teachers and the community alike.

“There’s nothing more powerful than seeing the inner workings of a real human body to capture children’s understanding and empower them to make positive lifestyle change,” he said.

The BODY WORLDS exhibitions were founded by anatomist and scientist Dr Gunther von Hagens, inventor of the plastination process, and Dr Angelina Whalley, a physician and conceptual designer.

On display since 1995, BODY WORLDS had attracted more than 45 million visitors in over 120 cities across America, Africa, Asia and Europe.

XPO Events’ Managing Director Brent Spillane expected New Zealand’s interest levels to match those of other host nations.

“A chance to marvel at what lies beneath the skin, the exhibition explores how everything we do – exercise, diet, smoking – impacts our bodies. Two thirds of global visitors walk away making positive changes to their own health and well being, so we hope to influence similar positive change with many 1000s of event goers at home,” he said.

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