
Biggest NZ school review in 30 years assembled

The experts charged with undertaking the biggest review of the way our schools are governed, managed and administered in 30 years have been appointed.

Education Minister Chris Hipkins says our schooling system needs to be able to respond to the education needs of the future. This Government wants a high quality public education system that brings out the very best in all New Zealanders.

“The Tomorrow’s Schools Review Independent Taskforce will focus on the changes we need to make to governance, management and administration in education to ensure the fitness of the school system to meet the challenges we face,” Chris Hipkins says.

The Taskforce members are:

Bali Haque, Chair
Barbara Ala’alatoa
Mere Berryman 
John O’Neill
Cathy Wylie

“I announced the terms of reference for the review in March. The taskforce will look at how we can better support equity and inclusion for all children throughout their schooling, what changes are needed to support their educational success, and at the fitness of our school system to equip all our students for the modern world.

“The Taskforce will also be supported and informed by a designated cross-sector advisory panel of about 30 members that will include representatives of teachers, principals, boards of trustees, the LGBTQIA+ community, parents of children with additional learning needs, employers and young people.

The organisations already invited to be represented on the panel include: 

NZ Educational Institute Te Riu Roa
NZ School Trustees Association
NZ Principals’ Federation
NZ Pasifika Principals
Association of Proprietors of Integrated Schools
Te Akatea
Secondary Principals Association of New Zealand (SPANZ)
Ngā Kura ā Iwi
NZ Association of Intermediate and Middle Schools
Area Schools Association of NZ
Post Primary Teachers Association
Special Education Principals Association
Te Rūnanga Nui o Ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori

“This is a significant review that could have implications for a wide range of New Zealand families. That is why genuine and meaningful consultation is paramount, and I expect the Taskforce will spend the next few months gaining an understanding of our current system and engaging with all stakeholders on the themes and scope outlined in the Terms of Reference.

“The feedback from the Education Conversation launched by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern last month will play a key role in shaping the Taskforce’s advice to me. It is one of the earliest chances for all New Zealanders to give their thoughts and experiences of the schooling system, and their advice on any improvements and changes.

The Taskforce is due to report back to the Minister in November 2018. Its recommendations will form the basis for further public consultation in 2019.

The review of Tomorrow’s Schools is part of the Government’s education work programme, announced in February.

More information on the review, including the Cabinet paper is available at

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Martyn James
6 years ago

I’m a teacher and am currently creating a website for a new way to run a 21st Century school. It is just an idea. I haven’t bought a domain name yet so will park it at in a week or two.
The basic gist will be to target literacy and numeracy in the morning (class time) and for students to be free to study whatever they like in the afternoon (two to three hours a day – intensive). The aim is to create free-thinking students that can teach/train themselves to a high standard. This is what the world of employment needs. It will be what universities need too (as long as the student makes sensible choices).

On very specific choice to be made from:
1 Culture – music (one instrument), a language, dance, art etc.
2 Technology – woodwork, metalwork, auto, building, graphics, cooking etc.
3 Sport – various
4 Academic – various (one subject all year)

In the afternoon, students will study one thing and one thing only all year with the aim of them becoming very good at it. I mean, excellent at it. The aim is for everyone to have the chance to be excellent at something. Some directed learning at the beginning, with the aim for the students to be come independent learners.

For example – piano. The student is taught/self-trained for one year, two to three hours a day. Theory and practical. The next year, s/he should continue, or choose another instrument, or do something completely different.


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