NewsTeachers' Desk

Teaching Council Of Aotearoa responds to concerns about fee increases

The fee is doubling to $157 every year starting February 2021. This equates to $3 per week, an increase of $1.60 per week to what teachers are already paying.

Some teachers are upset about fee increases that teachers pay for registration and certification, the Teaching Council of Aotearoa confirmed in an open letter this week.

Council CE Lesley Hoskin said: “The fee is doubling to $157 every year starting February 2021. This equates to $3 per week, an increase of $1.60 per week to what teachers are already paying.

No matter how it is framed, it is money out of teachers’ pockets. However, it is the only increase in 10 years and although it is a big jump it pays for the safety of children and quality teaching.

The government has heavily subsidised teacher fees for the past five years, including $16.5m to help move to annualisation of fees in the 2020 Budget. The Council announced the new fee and structure on Budget day, so teachers weren’t left wondering what the Budget money meant for them. 

What does the fee buy teachers? 

Lesley said: “It buys into a system working to ensure the safety of children and quality of teaching. It buys independence for teachers to use their expert opinion to influence legislation, policy and importance matters in the education system. It buys the opportunity to collectively shape teachers values, knowledge and ethical practice to contribute to the wellbeing of our communities.”


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Tony (nickname "Haggis") Henderson
Tony (nickname "Haggis") Henderson
4 years ago

This is propaganda.
I have stopped believing utterances from Educanz. They are worthless – as were the phoney consultation rounds.


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