
Free period products in schools

Free period products will soon be available to students in all New Zealand primary, intermediate and secondary schools and kura that opt to receive them.

The free period products initiative was piloted in 15 schools and kura in the Waikato region. Around 3200 young people were provided with period products during the pilot.

Speaking at Fairfield College in Hamilton, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said young people should not miss out on their education because of something that is a normal part of life for half the population.

“Feedback from students during the pilot was that period products should be available for all who need them, when they need them.”

Associate Minister of Education, Jan Tinetti said the positive response from schools and students to the programme, had encouraged the Government to expand the initiative to all New Zealand schools and kura.

Planning is underway for a phased roll out of period products.  The first step will be to tender for supply and distribution.

All state and state-integrated primary, intermediate and secondary schools and kura that opt-in by 31 March 2021 will receive products from the end of Term 2.   

The Ministry will contact schools that opt-in with more information on next steps once the procurement process is complete.

Schools can continue to opt-in but will be included in later phases of the national roll-out.

Find out more about period products in schools and kura

School News

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