
Unteach Racism

Unteach Racism

“Unteach Racism recognises that racism is something that is learned and therefore can be unlearned.’ It acknowledges the unique position of expertise teachers have in being able to address this challenge and inspire others to do the same. Unteach Racism will empower teachers to lift the limits that society has placed on children and young people.

The Teaching Council outlines the aims of Unteach Racism will be to:

  • recognise that racism is a societal issue, not solely an education issue 
  • acknowledge that racism affects many groups of people, and has significant relevance and impact on Māori, as tangata whenua  
  • be informed by best practice – be strengths- based, future- focused and optimistic  
  • be aligned to the expected behaviours and practices set out in Our Code, Our Standards| Ngā Tikanga Matatika, Ngā Paerewa  
  • provide teachers with meaningful ways to demonstrate the values of the teaching profession 
  • approach uncomfortable conversations around racism through the lens of a growth mindset, creating ways for teachers to acknowledge and begin to address racism within their setting 
  • increase the visibility of, and inherent importance of, cultural competency as a vital part of the teacher skill set in Aotearoa  
  • align with the vision of the Leadership Strategy for the Teaching Profession for building principled and inspirational leadership; a culturally capable, competent and connected teaching profession to achieve educational equity and excellence for all children and young people  

On its website, The Teaching Council states, “The project reflects a commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. This requires the injustices caused by colonisation to be addressed and all New Zealanders to engage in creating a positive future that honour Te Tiriti.

“While many of our diverse learners experience racism, the outcomes for tamariki and rangatahi along with out commitment to Te Tiriti means Unteach Racism has significant relevance in affirming Māori learners as tangata whenua.

“The Council also recognises that we can contribute to tackling this complex problem but we will not be solving it. Racism and its effects are far bigger than this one initiative. We are not the experts but have engaged with experts to ensure that the project is informed by best practice.”

The Council has been working alongside the following organisations:

    • Human Rights Commission 
    • Teachers and professional leaders 
    • Office of the Children’s Commissioner 
    • Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet – Child Youth Wellbeing Strategy 
    • Ministry of Education 
    • Ministry of Education Te Hurihanganui 
    • Ministry of Justice 
    • Te Papa – The Museum of New Zealand 

A range of reseources, including a dedicated website, will be shared by the Teaching Council.

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