
Groundbreaking kawenata signed with Ngā Iwi

The Associate Minister of Education (Māori Education) the Ministry of Education, Tūwharetoa, Raukawa and Waikato-Tainui (Ngā Iwi) have signed a Kawenata (partnership agreement) that breaks new ground in Iwi-Public Service relationships.

Associate Minister of Education (Māori Education) Kelvin Davis said the Kawenata, a relationship agreement, is a collective agreement by the Ministry, Tūwharetoa, Raukawa and Waikato-Tainui (Ngā Iwi), signed on 28 April, to establish a perpetual Tiriti | Treaty-based partnership based on equity and rangatiratanga.

This Kawenata will carve out a future of Mana Motuhake (self-determination). Iwi will express authority and self-determination over their destination and how they achieve that.

Through the Ministry of Education, the Crown have committed to an equitable partnership to achieve the respective goals and aspirations of the signatories at the highest level.

The Kawenata will streamline some of the processes currently in place at the Ministry by employing a ‘one-Ministry’ approach with Ngā Iwi, rather than the current highly transactional approach with multiple points of contact and relationships across the Ministry.

Priorities for Ngā Iwi include a seat at the table to influence key policies and programmes that impact ākonga Māori and their whanau.

Ngā Iwi also want to implement initiatives to support Māori educational success as Māori.

“The Kawenata will establish a framework of Mana Motuhake (self-determination), wellbeing and prosperity and demonstrate an effective partnership between the Crown and Ngā Iwi that is based on Te Tiriti o Waitangi and its principles,” Ngā Iwi said.


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