Teaching Resources

Aotearoa histories books for schools and kura

The Ministry of Education is inviting schools and kura to order up to $200 of high-quality history books for their libraries to promote Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories.

Orders will open on Monday 24 May and close Friday 25 June for a collection of books that aim to stimulate interest, discussion and engagement with Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories. Principals/tumuaki can choose the books they want from a list of recent publications and can be made from the Ministry of Education’s online catalogue of teaching and learning resources, Down the Back of the Chair.

In a statement this week, the MoE said, “This list is not comprehensive but provides a taste of some of the high-quality publications that are available in te reo Māori and in English.” 

“Orders will be distributed from June. Schools that have not received their orders by the end of July can contact us at orders@thechair.minedu.govt.nz or on 0800 660 662.”

Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories in the curriculum

Aotearoa New Zealand is on a journey to ensure that all ākonga in all schools and kura learn how our histories have shaped our present-day lives.

From 2022, Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories will be taught in all schools and kura. This is part of a wider refresh of our national curriculum to ensure it is fit for purpose now and in the future – and supports the language, identity, culture, and wellbeing of all students in Aotearoa New Zealand.

A suite of resources to support the implementation of Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories in the curriculum will be available to schools and kura in Term 4, 2021 and Term 1, 2022. Information on these resources will be published on Social Sciences Online. 

Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories – Social Sciences Online

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