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Gifted Study Awards for teachers and students: applications close Sep 30

The Ministry of Education is encouraging learners and teachers to submit applications.

Registered teachers who work with gifted learners and have a Bachelor of Education or equivalent can apply for a Gifted Study Award to undertake Massey University’s Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Teaching: Gifted.

Applicants will need to apply for enrolment in the course separately and gain acceptance from Massey University in order to receive the award, which will cover tuition fees, some travel and accommodation expenses, as well as an employer contribution to cover teacher release time for up to 50 study leave days per year.

The Ministry has said that priority will be given to applicants who “have responsibility for planning, teaching and learning in schools that include a diverse student group, including students who require additional support”. 

If you are a lead teacher of gifted education, SENCo, Head of Department in the area of learning support or inclusions, or supporting a Community of Learning | Kāhui Ako, this one could be for you. 

Full criteria and additional information can be found here.

Keep an eye out for our Term 4 print issue of School News, which will include a special feature on the state of further learning and professional development for teachers.

Meanwhile, gifted learners can apply individually or in groups to win funding ($2,500 per individual or $5,000 per group). Applicants must have written letters of support from up to two adults who understand their abilities and can endorse their proposed use of the funding.

Learners must submit a 5-page written proposal or 5-minute video proposal outlining what they want to do with the funding and why. They must consider budget, logistics, and weigh up community benefits. They must also write about how their proposed activities will develop their abilities, benefit their wellbeing, and allow them to explore their passions. 

It’s a wonderful opportunity for learners who may have missed out on opportunities during lockdown, and the Ministry is prioritising first-time applicants. More information can be found here.


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